»DAC« means matters of trust,
and mandatory hand-harvesting in the Styrian dialect!The Steiermark has three DAC (Districtus Austriae Contollatus) winegrowing regions: SüdsteiermarkDAC , Vulkanland SteiermarkDAC and WeststeiermarkDAC.These three regions of the Steiermark stand for distinctive Qualitätswein, characterised by the expression of their respective terroirs.Qualitätswein, bearing the signatures of both
terroir and the individual grower.It is the artisanal work of sustainably-minded winegrowers responsible for their landscape that lies behind the quality of the wines. The Steiermark’s DAC regions areas are the only ones in Austria where harvesting by hand is mandatory and where the Ortswein and Riedenwein stand in the foreground.
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